Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The following information is designed to give you, the "data subject", an overview of how we process your personal data and your rights under data protection legislation. In principle, you can use our webpages without entering any personal data about yourself. However, if you wish to use the specific services of our company over our website, we may need to process personal data. If we need to process personal data and no legal basis exists for doing do, we generally seek your consent.

Processing personal data, such as your name, address, or email address, always take place in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to "Franz Reißner Treuhandgesellschaft mbH". With this Privacy Policy, we would like to inform you about the scope and purpose of the personal data we collect, use and process.

As Data Controller, we have implemented numerous technical and organizational measures to ensure the most complete protection of personal data processed through this website. Nevertheless, the transfer of data over the Internet can always be subject to security vulnerabilities, so that absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, you are also free to transfer personal data to us using alternative means, for example by telephone or post.

You too can adopt simple and easy-to-implement measures to protect yourself from third parties gaining unauthorized access to your data. We would therefore like to give you a few hints & tips on how to handle your data securely:  

- Secure your account (login, user, or customer account) and your IT system (computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device) with strong passwords.

- Only you should have access to your passwords.

- Make sure that you only ever use your passwords for one account (login, user, or customer account.

- Do not use the same password for different websites, applications, or online services.

- The following applies in particular to using publicly accessible IT systems or IT systems shared with other persons: It is imperative that you log out each time you log in to a website, application, or online service.

Passwords should consist of at least 12 characters and be chosen so that they are not easy to guess. For this reason, they should not contain familiar words from everyday life, your own name, or names of your family members, but should be comprised of upper- and lower-case letters, numbers, and special characters.

2. Data Controller

Data Controller as defined by the GDPR is:

Franz Reißner Treuhand­gesellschaft mbH Wirtschafts­prüfungs­gesellschaft

Prinz-Georg-Straße 15, 40477 Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Phone: +49-211-94403-0
Fax: +49-211-94403-80

Representative of the Data Controller: Wolfgang Hohl

Franz Reißner Treuhandgesellschaft mbH is part of the FRTG Group. A consortium of a total of six tax consultancy, auditing, and law firms. 

Also acting as Data Controller accordingly as defined by the GDPR:

FRTG AG Wirtschafts­prüfungs­gesellschaft

Prinz-Georg-Straße 15, 40477 Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Phone: +49-211-94403-0
Fax: +49-211-94403-80

Representative of the Data Controller: Wolfgang Hohl

FRTG Franz Reißner Steuer­beratungs­gesellschaft mbH

Prinz-Georg-Straße 15, 40477 Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Phone: +49-211-94403-0
Fax: +49-211-94403-80

Representative of the Data Controller: Wolfgang Hohl

FRTG Steuer­beratungs­gesellschaft Essen mbH

Alfredstraße 157, 45131 Essen

Phone: +49-211-94403-0
Fax: +49-211-94403-80

Representative of the Data Controller: Wolfgang Hohl, Thomas Kuth

Fromm Steuer­beratungs­gesellschaft mbH

Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 13a, 42103 Wuppertal

Phone: +49-202-4299748-107
Fax: +49-202-4299748-29

Representative of the Data Controller: Andrea Tomlinson

3. Data protection officer

You can contact our data protection officer as follows:

Torben Mißy

DDA Digital Data Advice GmbH

Winkelsfelderstr. 35 , 40477 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 211 944 03 0

You can contact our data protection officer directly at any time with any questions or suggestions you may have about data protection.

4. Definitions

This Privacy Policy is based on the terms used by the European legislator for the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our Privacy Policy should be easy to read and comprehensible for the general public as well as for our clients and business partners. To ensure this, we would like to explain the terms used in advance.

Among others, we use the following terms in this Privacy Policy:

1. Personal Data

Personal data is any type of information that relates to an identified or identifiable natural person. A natural person is considered identifiable when he can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by means of assignment to an identifier, such as a name, identification number, location data, online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural person.

2. Data Subject

Data Subject is any identified or identifiable natural person whose personal data is processed by the Data Controller (our company).

3. Processing

Processing refers to any operation or set of operations which are performed upon personal data, whether or not by automatic means, such as the collection, recording, organization, filing, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or submitted otherwise, the alignment or combination, restriction, deletion, or destruction.

4. Restriction on processing

Restriction on processing involves flagging stored personal data with the aim of restricting its future processing.

5. Profiling

Profiling refers to any type of automated personal data processing which consists of using said personal data to evaluate certain personal aspects relating to a natural person, in particular to analyze or predict aspects relating to said natural person's performance at work, economic situation, health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location or change of location.

6. Pseudonymization

Pseudonymization refers to the processing of personal data in such a way that the personal data can no longer be attributed to a specific Data Subject without the use of additional information, provided that such additional information is kept separate and is subject to technical and organizational measures to ensure that the personal data is not attributed to an identified or identifiable natural person.

7. Data Processor

Data Processor refers to a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the Data Controller

8. Recipient

Recipient refers to a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body to whom personal data is disclosed, whether or not a third party. However, authorities that may receive personal data under a specific mandate to investigate under Union or Member State law are not considered recipients.

9. Third Party

Third Party refers to a natural or legal person, public authority, agency, or other body other than the Data Subject, Controller, Data Processor, and the persons authorized to process the personal data under the direct responsibility of the Controller or Data Processor.

10. Consent

Consent refers to any freely given and unambiguous expression of will in the form of a declaration or other unambiguous affirmative action on the part of the Data Subject for the specific case in question, by which the Data Subject indicates that they consent to the personal data which concerns them being processed.

5. Legal basis for processing

Art. 6 (I) (a) GDPR (in conjunction with § 25 (1) German Teleservices Data Protection Act - TTDS) serves our company as the legal basis for processing operations in which we obtain consent for a specific processing purpose.

If personal data needs to be processed to fulfil a contract to which you are a party, as is the case, for example, with processing operations required for delivering goods or providing any other service or consideration, processing takes placed based on Art. (6) (1) (b) GDPR. The same applies to processing operations required for fulfilling pre-contractual measures, for example in the case of enquiries concerning our products or services.

If our company is subject to a legal obligation which requires personal data to be processed, such as for fulfilling tax obligations, processing takes place based on Art. 6 (1) (c) GDPR.

In rare cases, processing personal data may become necessary to protect the vital interests of the Data Subject or another natural person. This would be the case, for example, if a visitor were to be injured on our premises and as a result their name, age, health insurance details or other vital information needed to be disclosed to a doctor, hospital or other third party. Processing would then take place based on Art. 6 (1) (d) GDPR.

Ultimately, processing operations could also take place based on Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Processing operations that are not covered by any of the aforementioned legal bases are based on this legal basis if processing is required to protect a legitimate interest of our company or a third party, provided that the interests, fundamental rights, and freedoms of the Data Subject do not prevail. We are permitted to perform such processing operations in particular because the European legislator has specifically mentioned them. In this respect, the legislator took the view that a legitimate interest could be assumed if you are a customer of our company (Recital 47 (2) GDPR).

Our offering is generally directed at adults. Persons under the age of 16 may not submit any personal data to us without the consent of their parents or legal guardians. We do not request, collect, or disclose to third parties any personal data from children and young people.

6. Technics

6.1 SSL/TLS encryption

This website uses SSL or TLS encryption to guarantee the security of data processing and to secure the transfer of confidential information, such as orders, login details or requests for contact that you send us as the website operator. You can recognize an encrypted connection when you change the address line in your browser from "http://" to "https://" and by the padlock icon in the address bar.

We use this technology to protect the data you submit.

6.2 Data collection when you visit our website

In you merely use our website for information purposes, i.e. if you do not register or otherwise provide us with information, we only collect the data that your browser transmits to our server (in what are referred to as "server log files"). Our website collects an array of general data and information every time you or an automated system calls up a page. This general data and information are stored in the log files on the server. The following can be logged:

1. Browser types and versions used,

2. The operating system used by the accessing system,

3. The website from where an accessing system arrives at our website (referred to as referrer),

4. The sub-pages accessed on our website via an accessing system,

5. The date and time the website was accessed,

6. A truncated Internet protocol address (anonymous IP address) and,

7. The internet service provider for the accessing system.

We do not draw any conclusions about your identity when you use this general data and information. Rather, this information is required in order to:

1. Deliver the contents of our website in proper form,

2. Optimize the contents of our website and the advertising for these contents,

3. To guarantee the permanent operability of our IT systems and the technology of our website, and

4. Provide law enforcement agencies with the information necessary to prosecute in the event of a cyber-attack.

We analyze the data collected and information for statistical purposes primarily and secondly for the purpose of enhancing data protection and data security within our enterprise, with the ultimate aim of ensuring an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data in the server log files is stored separate to all personal data submitted by a data subject.

The legal basis for data processing is formed by Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. Our legitimate interest stems from the data collection purposes listed above.

7. Cookies

7.1 General information about cookies

Cookies are small text files that your browser creates automatically and stores on your IT system (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our website.

The cookie stores information that results from the connection made with the specific personal device used. This does not mean that we are immediately aware of your identity however.

The use of cookies serves to make using our service more user-friendly for the user. For instance, we use what are referred to as session cookies to recognize that you have already visited individual pages on our website. These are automatically deleted once you leave our website.

We also use temporary cookies that are stored on your device for a specified period of time to improve usability. If you revisit our website to make use of our services, it automatically recognizes that you have already visited, along with the entries and settings you previously made, so that you do not have to make them again.

Our second reason for using cookies is to compile a statistical record of the use of our website and evaluate it for the purpose of optimization. These cookies allow us to automatically recognize that you have already visited us when you revisit our website. The cookies used in this way are deleted after a specific period of time. The respective storage period for the cookies can be found in the settings in the consent tool used.

7.2 Legal basis for using cookies

The data the cookies process, which is required for the proper functioning of our website, are therefore needed to protect our legitimate interests as well as those of third parties in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

For all other For all other cookies, you have to give your consent, by clicking on our opt-in cookie banner, as defined in Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

7.3 Tips on how to opt out of cookies in standard browsers

You can delete cookies, only allow selected cookies, or completely disable cookies at any time in the settings of your browser. Further information can be found on the respective providers' support pages:  

- Chrome:

- Safari:

- Firefox:

- Microsoft Edge:

8. Our website contents

8.1 Establishing contact/Contact form

Personal data is collected when you establish contact with us (e.g. over a contact form or by email). The data that is collected over a contact form if you fill it in can be seen in each contact form. This data is stored and used solely for the purposes of answering your enquiry, or for establishing contact and the associated technical administration. The legal basis for processing the data is our legitimate interest in answering your enquiry in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR. If your reason for establishing contact with us is to conclude a contract, then they, additional legal basis for processing your data is based on Art. 6 (6) (1) (b) GDPR. Your data will be deleted once we have finally processed your enquiry. This will be the case if it can be inferred from the circumstances that the matter in question has been finally clarified, provided that no statutory retention requirements stand in conflict with its deletion.

8.2 Managing job applications/Job exchange

We collect and process the personal data from applicants for the purpose of managing the application process. Said processing can also take place electronically. This is the case in particular if an applicant sends us the relevant application documents electronically, for example by email or over a web form on our website. If we conclude an employment or service contract with an applicant, the data submitted will be stored for the purpose of implementing the employment relationship in compliance with the statutory regulations. If we do not conclude a contract with the applicant, the application documents will be automatically deleted two months after the candidate has been notified of the rejection decision, provided that deletion does not conflict with any other legitimate interests on our part. A legitimate interest otherwise in this sense is, for example, a burden of proof in proceedings under the General Act on Equal Treatment Act (AGG).

The legal basis the processing your data is formed by Art. 88 GDPR in conjunction with § 26 (1) German Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).

9. Newsletter Mailings

9.1 MailChimp

Our email newsletters are sent out using the technical service provider The Rocket Science Group, LLC d/b/a MailChimp, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA, to whom we disclose the data you submitted when registering for the newsletter. Disclosure takes place within the framework of the order processing performed by MailChimp. Please note that your date information is usually transferred to a MailChimp server in the USA and stored there.

MailChimp uses this information to send and evaluate the newsletter statistically on our behalf. For the evaluation, the emails sent out contain what are referred to as web beacons or tracking pixels (one-pixel image files), which are stored on our website. This allows us to determine whether a newsletter mail has been opened and which links, if any, have been clicked on. Technical information is also logged (e.g. the time of retrieval, IP address, browser type and operating system). The data is only collected in pseudonymized form is not linked with your other personal data. This therefore excludes a direct personal reference being made. This data is used exclusively for the statistical analysis of newsletter campaigns. The results of these analyses can be used to tailor future newsletters better to the interests of the recipients.

If you wish to object to data analysis for statistical evaluation purposes, you will need to unsubscribe from the newsletter.

You can revoke the consent you have given at any time. You can also prevent the processing at any time by unsubscribing from the newsletter. You can also prevent the cookies from being stored by making the appropriate settings in your web browser. You can prevent the storage and transfer of personal data by disabling JavaScript in your web browser or installing a JavaScript blocker (e.g. or We would like to point out that as a result of these measures, you may not be able to use all the features of our website to the full.

Furthermore, MailChimp can use this data themselves in accordance with Art. 6 (1) lit. (f) GDPR on the basis of their own legitimate interest in the needs-based design and optimization of their service, and for market research purposes, for example, to determine which countries the recipients come from. However, MailChimp neither uses the data from our newsletter recipients for their own mailing activities, nor do they disclose it to third parties.

To protect your data in the USA, we have concluded a data processing agreement with MailChimp based on the standard contractual clauses set by the European Commission in order to facilitate the transfer of your personal data to MailChimp. If you are interested, you can view this data processing agreement under the following Internet address:

You can view the MailChimp privacy policy here :

10. Social-media plug-ins

10.1 Facebook Plug-in

We have embedded components of the company Facebook on this website. Facebook is a social network.

A social network is an Internet-based social meeting place, an online community that usually allows users to communicate with one another and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for sharing views and experiences and also allows the Internet community to stage personal or business information. Facebook allows social network users to create private profiles, upload photos and socialize using friend requests.

The company that operates Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. The entity responsible for processing personal data, if a data subject lives outside the USA or Canada, is Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Each time one of the individual pages on this website that we operate on which a Facebook component (Facebook plug-in) is embedded, is called up, the respective Facebook component automatically prompts the browser on your IT system to download a representation of the corresponding component from Facebook. A complete overview of all Facebook plug-ins can be found under: As part of this technical process, Facebook receives information about the specific sub-page on our website you have visited.

If you are signed into Facebook at the same time, Facebook recognizes which specific sub-page you visit on our website every time you call up our website during the entire duration of your respective visit to our website. The Facebook component collects this information and Facebook assigns it to the respective Facebook account. If you click on one of the Facebook buttons embedded on our website, such as the "Like" button, or leave a comment, the data and information transmitted by doing so is assigned to your personal Facebook account and stores this data.

The Facebook component also supplies Facebook with information stating that you have visited our website if you are simultaneously signed into Facebook at the same time as calling up our web page; this happens regardless of whether you have clicked on the Facebook component or not. If you do not want this information to be such transferred to Facebook, you can prevent it from happening by signing out of your Facebook account before calling up our website.

The Data Policy published by Facebook, which is available at, provides information on how Facebook collects, processes, and uses personal data. It also explains which setting options Facebook offers to protect privacy. Various applications are also available there that make it possible to suppress the transfer of data to Facebook. You can use these applications to suppress the transfer of data to Facebook.

10.2 Instagram Plug-in

We have embedded components from the Instagram service on this website. Instagram is a service that qualifies as an audiovisual platform and allows users to share photos and videos and also share this data on other social networks.

The company that operates the services offered by Instagram is Instagram LLC, 1 Hacker Way, Building 14 First Floor, Menlo Park, CA, USA.

Each time one of the individual pages on this website that we operate on which an Instagram component (Instagram button) is embedded, is called up, the respective Instagram component automatically prompts the browser on your IT system to download a representation of the corresponding component from Instagram. As part of this technical process, Instagram receives information about the specific sub-page you have visited on our website.

If you are signed into Instagram at the same time, Instagram recognizes which specific sub-pages you visit on our website every time you call up our website during the entire duration of your respective visit to our website. The Instagram component collects this information and Instagram assigns it to your Instagram account. If you click on one of the Instagram buttons embedded on our website, the data and information transmitted by doing so is assigned to your personal Instagram account and stored and processed by Instagram.

The Instagram component also supplies Instagram with information stating that you have visited our website if you are simultaneously signed into Instagram at the same time as calling up our website this happens regardless of whether you have clicked on the Instagram component or not. If you do not want this information to be such transmitted to Instagram, you can prevent this from happening by signing out of your Instagram account before calling up our website.

Further information and the current privacy policy from Instagram can be found at: and

10.3 LinkedIn Plug-in

We have embedded components from LinkedIn Corporation into this website. LinkedIn is an Internet-based social network that allows users to connect to existing business contacts and also make new business contacts.

The company that operates LinkedIn is LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Outside of the US, privacy issues are handled by LinkedIn Ireland, Privacy Policy Issues, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Every time you call up our website pages which is equipped with said LinkedIn components (LinkedIn plug-in), they cause your browser to download a corresponding image of the components from LinkedIn. More information about the LinkedIn plug-in can be called up under: As part of this technical process, LinkedIn receives information about the specific sub-page on our website you have visited.

If you are signed into LinkedIn at the same time, LinkedIn recognizes which specific sub-page you visit on our website every time you call up our website during the entire duration of your respective visit to our website. The LinkedIn component collects this information and LinkedIn assigns it to your LinkedIn account. If you click on one of the LinkedIn buttons embedded on our website, LinkedIn assigns this information to your personal LinkedIn user account and stores this personal data.

The LinkedIn component also supplies LinkedIn with information stating that you have visited our website if you are simultaneously signed into LinkedIn at the same time as calling up our web page; this happens regardless of whether you have clicked on the LinkedIn component or not. If you do not want this information to be such transmitted to LinkedIn, you can prevent this from happening by signing out of your LinkedIn account before calling up our web page.

Under, LinkedIn offers the options for unsubscribing from email, text messages, and targeted ads and for managing ad settings. LinkedIn also uses partners, such as Quantcast, Google Analytics, BlueKai, DoubleClick, Nielsen, Comscore, Eloqua and Lotame to set cookies. Said cookies can be rejected under: The currently applicable data protection provisions from LinkedIn can be called up under: The LinkedIn cookie policy is available under:

10.4 Twitter Plug-in

We have embedded components from Twitter into this website. Twitter is a multilingual micro-blogging service that is available to the public where users can post and disseminate where are referred to as tweets, or short messages, which are limited to 140 characters. These short messages can be accessed by anyone, including non-Twitter subscribers. The tweets are also displayed to what are referred to as the followers of the respective user. Followers are other Twitter users who follow a user's tweets. Twitter also allows you to address a broad audience using hash tags, links, or re-tweets.

The company that operates Twitter is Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street., Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA.

Each time one of the individual pages on this website that we operate on which a Twitter component (Twitter button) is embedded, is called up, the respective Twitter component automatically prompts the browser on your IT system to download a representation of the corresponding component from Twitter. For more information about Twitter buttons, please refer to: As part of this technical process, Twitter receives information about the specific sub-page you have visited on our website. The purpose of embedding the Twitter component is to allow our users to redistribute the contents of this website, to promote this website in the digital world and to increase the number of visitors to our website.

If you are signed into Twitter at the same time, Twitter recognizes which specific sub-page you visit on our website every time you call up our website during the entire duration of your respective visit to our website. The Twitter component collects this information and Twitter assigns it to your Twitter account. If you click on one of the Twitter buttons embedded on our website, the data and information transmitted by doing so is assigned to your personal Twitter account and stored and processed by Twitter.

The Twitter component also supplies Twitter with information stating that you are visiting our website if you are simultaneously signed into Twitter at the same time as you call up our web page; this happens regardless of whether you have clicked on the Twitter component or not. If you do not want this information to be such transmitted to Twitter, you can prevent this from happening by signing out of your Twitter account before calling up our web page.

The privacy policies of Twitter that apply are available under:

10.5 XING Plug-in

We have embedded components from Xing on this website. Xing is an Internet-based social network that allows users to connect to existing business contacts and also make new business contacts. Individual users can create a personal profile on Xing. Companies can, for example, also create company profiles or publish job offers on Xing.

The company that operates XING is New Work SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany.

Each time one of the individual pages on this website that we operate on which a Xing component (Xing plug-in) is embedded, is called up, the respective Xing component automatically prompts the browser on your IT system to download a representation of the corresponding component from Xing. More information about the Xing plug-ins can be called up under: As part of this technical process, Xing receives information about the specific sub-page on our website that you have visited.

If you are signed into Xing at the same time, Xing recognizes which specific sub-page you visit on our website every time you call up our website during the entire duration of your respective visit to our website. The Xing component collects this information and Xing assigns it to your Xing account. If you click on one of the Xing buttons embedded on our website, such as the "Share" button, the data and information transmitted by doing so is assigned to your personal Xing account and stored and processed by Xing.

The Xing component also supplies Xing with information stating that you are visiting our website if you are simultaneously signed into Xing at the same time as you call up our web page; this happens regardless of whether you have clicked on the Xing component or not. If you do not want this information to be such transmitted to Xing, you can prevent this from happening by signing out of your Xing account before calling up our web page.

The data privacy statements published by Xing, which can be called up under: information on the collection, processing, and use of personal data by Xing. Xing has also published a privacy policy regarding the XING Share button under:

11. Web Analytics


We use the web analytics service "Plausible Analytics" to analyze our website. Plausible is a trademark of Plausible Insights Oü, Västriku tn 2, 50403, Tartu, Estonia, registration number 14709274. Plausible fully GDPR compliant.

The information we collect through Plausible includes: 

- Date and time of the visit

- Title and URL of the URLs visited on our website 

- Incoming links 

- Location (country) 

- Your web browser's user agent

Plausible does not use or store "cookies". All personal data (including your IP address) is anonymized in full and stored in the form of a hash. This allows us to analyze your visit without storing personal data in a form that we, Plausible or third parties can read.

Further information on the technical implementation can be found at:

More information about privacy at Plausible can be found at:

The legal basis for the processing is formed by: Art. 6 (1) (f) GDPR.

12. Plug-ins and other services

12.1 YouTube (Videos)

We have embedded components from YouTube on this website. The company that operates YouTube is YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. YouTube, LLC is a subsidiary company of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. 

If you are signed into YouTube at the same time, YouTube recognizes which specific sub-page you visit on our website when you call up a sub-page with a YouTube video embedded on it. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to your personal YouTube account.

The YouTube component also supplies YouTube and Google with information stating that you have visited our website if you are simultaneously signed into YouTube at the same time as calling up our website; this happens regardless of whether you click on a YouTube video or not. If you do not want this information to be such transmitted to YouTube and Google, you can prevent it from happening by signing out of your YouTube account before calling up our website.

These processing operations only take place if you have given your express consent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR.

You can view the privacy policies from Google under

13. Your rights as data subject

13.1 Right to confirmation

You have the right to demand information from the Data Controller about the extent to which we process personal data that concerns you.

13.2 Right to information (Art. 15 GDPR)

You have the right to receive information from us free of charge about the personal data we store on you, as well as a copy of this data in accordance with the statutory provisions.

13.3 Right to rectification (Art. 16 GDPR)

You have the right to demand that we correct incorrect personal data that concerns you. Furthermore, you have the right to demand that incomplete personal data is completed, taking into account the purposes of processing.

13.4 Deletion (Art. 17 GDPR)

You have the right to demand that we delete personal data that concerns you without delay, provided that one of the reasons stipulated by law applies and processing or storing the data is not required.

13.5 Restriction on processing (Art. 18 GDPR)

If one of the legal requirements is met, you have the right to demand that we restrict processing.

13.6 Data portability (Art. 20 GDPR)

You have the right to receive personal data that concerns you, which you have submitted to us, in a structured, standard, and machine-readable format. You also have the right to transfer this data to another Data Controller without being hindered by us to whom the personal data was submitted, as far as the processing is based on consent pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR or Art. 9 (2) (a) GDPR or on a contract pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR and the processing is carried out using automated procedures, as far as processing personal data is required to perform a task that is in the public interest or in exercising an official power which has been delegated to us.

Furthermore, when exercising your right to data portability pursuant to Art. 20 (1) GDPR, you have the right to effect that the personal data is transferred directly from one data controller to another data controller, as far as this is technically feasible and it does not affect the rights and freedoms of other persons.

13.7 Objection (Art. 21 GDPR)

For reasons arising from your particular situation, you have the right to object at any time and with future effect to personal data that concerns you being processed which takes place on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (e) (data processing in the public interest) or (f) (data processing on the basis of a balance of interests) GDPR.

This also applies to profiling based on these provisions as defined in Art. 4 (4) GDPR.

If you object, we will no longer process your personal data unless we can establish compelling legitimate grounds for its processing that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or if its processing serves for purposes of asserting, exercising, or defending against legal claims.

In individual cases, we process personal data to perform direct advertising. You can object to the processing of personal data for the purpose of such advertising at any time. This also applies to profiling as far as it is associated with such direct marketing. If you object to us processing your personal data for direct marketing purposes, we will no longer process your personal data for these purposes.

You also have the right, on grounds relating to you particular situation, to object to us processing personal data that concerns you for scientific or historical research purposes, or for statistical purposes pursuant to Art. 89 (1) GDPR, unless such processing is necessary for performing a task carried out in the pursuit of public interest.

In the context of the use of information society services, and regardless of Directive 2002/58/EC, the option is open to you to exercise your right to object using automated procedures for which technical specifications are used.

13.8 Withdrawal of consent under data protection law

You have the right to revoke the consent you have granted to process personal data with effect for future.

13.9 Appeal to a supervisory authority

You have the right to appeal to a competent supervisory authority about us processing your personal data.

14. Routine storage, deletion and blocking of personal data

We only process and store your personal data for the period required to achieve the purpose of storage or if this is provided for by the legal provisions to which our company is subject.

If the purpose of storage no longer applies or if a prescribed storage period expires, the personal data will be routinely blocked or deleted in accordance with the statutory provisions.

15. Storage duration for personal data

The criterion for the storage duration for personal data is the respective statutory retention period. The corresponding data is routinely deleted once the period has expired, if it is no longer required to fulfil or initiate a contract.

16. Updating and amending the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is currently valid and was last updated in: January 2023.

We may find it necessary to amend this Privacy Policy as a result of enhancements to our webpages and related services or owing to amended legal or official requirements. You can call up and print our latest Privacy Policy at any time on our website under: "".